Welcome to Voice Mate. Voice Mate handles your calls, whether you’re to busy to answer or simply can’t be bothered to answer a unknown number. Voice Mate links your phone to our AI systems that handle your calls and send you a push message with a call summary. There are several ways to get started:
Set up the Voice Mate app
Getting Started
You’ll need a Account to use Voice Mate
- Create an account at: Visit our Sign Up page to create your Voice Mate account.
- Download our app: Download the Voicemate app from your favourite appstore.
- Set up call forwarding: From our app you can set up conditional call. This means you can choose which calls go to Voice Mate. See how to set this up here page.
Get callback events straight into your calendar, or get call summaries delivered to your favorite CRM or chat application. Voice Mate integrates with Slack, Discord, Google Calendar and many more apps. learn more…
If you have any questions feel free to browse our F.A.Q. or reach out through the app or here
Terms and Legal
We documented how we handle and process your data as well as what you can expect from us in our terms of service and how we handle your data in our privacy policy